Friday, November 16, 2007

Moonlight Madness

Here at road’s end
Hunched behind the stonewall crumbling
Nothing but rags and bits
Shredded illusions,
Sharp bone shards
Not much to eat

Sunset, moonrise, stars falling

Gather up those shards,
Dead white, memory of love songs
Tatters of anger
Disappointments , victories covered in mold
I remember your eyes, pleading
And words of betrayal

Sunset, moonrise, stars stilled

Grind the bones one by one,
Filled with marrow of loves, hates,
Marriages, jobs, wasted days and brilliant sunrises
Add garlic, a carrot or two, some rosemary for remembrance,
Sage for wisdom,
Salt with teardrops

Cook down until thick enough to coat the spoon,
A recommended minimum of
Forty days and nights
Then sieve out the bits, let cool the bouillion
To demi-glace, glue for the job at hand
Add compassion and promise and wry acceptance

Sunrise, moonset, stars dimming

Comb out the rags and marabou feathers of that last bright affair,
The tinsel and nail parings, the bits of hair
Spin loose and lumpy
Weave on a loom warped with joy
To lay the table
Here, before the east-facing window

Will you share my meal?
I promise moonlight, candles and bright stars
Lighting the table
And a complex stew,
This soup,
Just the start of the feast.

Sunset, moonrise, stars singing

copyright Judith Jenness 2007


Moi Frey said...


Small Satori said...

thankyou! it needs work, but there you have it....

whymelord1 said...

Very nice. For me, this is about the rebirth or the resilience of love and the human spirit, or perhaps the "journey of life-a tapestry", artfully told.
Sunset, moonrise, stars falling
Sunset, moonrise, stars stilled
Sunrise, moonset, stars dimming
Sunset, moonrise, stars singing