Wednesday, October 25, 2017

I've only been sporadically able to write specifically towards my initial goal in  a writing course I'm enrolled in right now, but that's actually ok...I'm working on the things that block me.

Today, I got rid of the weeds and overgrown wanted plants growing over my steps and pathway out the front door. Because it's New Mexico, with iron hard dry dirt, it took a sharp pointed grub hoe and softening up with the hose. I found hidden cacti with spines while clearing, and had to stop for a bit to pull spines out of my gloves and hands.
I planted pansies and chrysanthemums in my outdoor pots, and then washed clear the kitchen window, the glass plant shelf and the crystal that throws morning rainbows.
Tomorrow I will finish rebuilding the gate in my fence. It was poorly built by a contractor, and has been pulling off its hinges, and dragging on the ground. The new gate will be true and trim, and is already painted a lovely turquoise blue.
This is a way to clear both the approach to my heart and egress to the world.

Crystal flash rainbows
illuminating the dust
covering my life

More later about how I think this new concept of using haibun can help me write what I want to. .

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